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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Topshop Bridal

When I heard that Topshop were going Bridal, it didn't immediately grab me as a good idea, regardless of the fact the range is designed by Richard Nicoll. However, after seeing them, I absolutely love them. I've read a lot of people's negative opinions about the range but I really don't understand why anyone wouldn't like them. They're a huge, youthful antidote to gypsy bride, princess dresses that we're all supposed to squeeze into. I like that they're a mixture of floaty and structured, and equally, I think they could be worn in the summer as evening dresses if not as actual Bridal dresses.

I think they're synonymous with overly romantic fiction, perfume, and wanting to run off with a stranger and get married. Dreamy.

(Images from

1 comment:

Ileana said...

Oh meeeennn.... when was this?? I did not my wedding dress last :)
