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Tuesday 31 July 2012

Summer Time

I thought I'd share some of the photos I've posted recently from Instagram. (@geeksdigme) Living in Brighton in the summer time is both amazing and too much all at once. The ridiculously nice weather we've had lately means I've had lovely, bright days, walking along the beach but it also means that the beach (and absolutely everywhere) is packed to the brim with other people. In the time I've lived here I've probably taken a hundred photos of the pier from different angles, so I try to refrain, but pier photos still seem to creep in here and there. Scott and I have been teaching ourselves different recipes, mainly Asian ones like noodle salads and different kinds of stir fried chicken, in a bid to be healthier and generally grow up (we're both terrible cooks) but alas, I've had about four days in succession of eating chocolate and toffee apple flavoured muffins so clearly I'm still doing something wrong. I often post a lot of drawings I'm working on, through Instagram but sometimes it's hard not to post too much because it will give the whole drawing away before I'm supposed to. The small snippet of a portrait I've featured here is part of an image created for GoFA where we make up RTW (ready to wear) outfits inspired by a recent film. It's really fun and something different to working on personal work, and I like seeing what the other girls come up with. Right now we're starting to work on things for our first pop-up, online exhibition and I'm debating whether to draw at A0 size to get as much detail in as possible. I'm terribly indecisive. 

I've got some exciting things coming up soon, with my mum coming down to Brighton to visit, the possibility of having a new kitty (good names anyone?) going to London to see the Bauhaus exhibition at the Barbican before it finishes and Scott's parents coming to visit, but untill all that happens, here are some links that have been keeping me interested lately.

Lulu Lingerie - I work in a lingerie shop and bra fit on a daily basis so I know the importance of lovely, pretty, well fitting things and this custom made lingerie looks beautiful.
Painting of a Sardine by Laura who does the cutest illustrations ever.
My regular source of inspiration for drawings Style Noir.
Swissmiss - brilliant blog for all things design.
Ghosts Waltz who I came across on Instagram. Totally in love with her hair.
All the dream interiors on Yatzer that give you ten million reasons to work harder to have a home like the ones featured.

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